Initial Integration

Capturing Selfies

Selfie capture sessions are created via CFASelfieController and handled by a CFASelfieScanDelegate. For every capture session, you must cover these steps:

  • Get the shared instance of CFASelfieController

  • Instantiate CFASelfieSettings and configure desired settings

  • Respond to CFASelfieScanDelegate invocations

import UIKit
import IDMetricsSelfieCapture

class ViewController: UIViewController, CFASelfieScanDelegate {

    func startCapture() {
        if let selfieController = CFASelfieController.sharedInstance() as? CFASelfieController {
            let settings = CFASelfieSettings()
            selfieController.scanSelfie(self, selfieSettings: settings, selfieScanDelegate: self)

    // MARK: - CFASelfieScanDelegate

    func onFinishSelfieScan(_ selfieScanData: CFASelfieScanData!) {
        print("Selfie scan result: \(selfieScanData)")

    func onCancelSelfieScan() {
        print("Selfie scan canceled")

    func onFinishSelfieScanWithError(_ errorCode: Int32, errorMessage: String!) {
        print("Error code: \(errorCode)")
        print("Error message: \(errorMessage)")