Integrating the Document Scan SDK
Starting in version 5.7.0, the Document Scan SDK can directly extract an MRZ and the derived MRZ_information
key for you. If you have not yet used the Document Scan SDK, please first refer to its documentation for getting started.
Supporting MRZ Capture
Only a single option change is required to support MRZ capture: DSPassportOptions.mrzCaptureMethod
. By default, this is set to .detect
, which is slightly more efficient and supports iOS 12. By setting this to .recognize
, you can enable full character recognition within the MRZ, which will be populated in the DSPassportResult.mrz
import UIKit
import CFDocumentScanSDK
class ViewController: UIViewController, DSHandlerDelegate {
private func startPassportScan() {
let options = DSPassportOptions()
options.mrzCaptureMethod = .recognize
// Configure additional capture options, thresholds, prompts, etc.
startScan(options: options) // Present scan controller
// MARK: - DSHandlerDelegate
func handleScan(result: DSResult) {
guard let passportResult = result as? DSPassportResult else {
let mrzData = passportResult.mrz
let mrzInformationKey = mrzData?.mrzInformationKey
func captureError(_ error: DSError) {
print("Scan Error: \(error)")
Preparing for API Submission
When submitting transactions to the CatfishAir API, NFC data can be attached to images for improved decisioning. After receiving a DSResult
from the Document Scan SDK, you will have two images to send: DSResult.image
and DSResult.flashImage
. Before sending these to the API, apply changes from the PassportChipData
private func handle(result: DSResult, chipData: PassportChipData) {
let image = chipData.embeddedIn(image: result.image)
let flashImage = chipData.embeddedIn(image: result.flashImage)
// Refer to "Example AuthenticateDocument Network Call" in the Document Scan SDK documentation
let imageData = [
"frontImage": image,
"frontFlashImage": flashImage
networkClient.authenticateDocumentRequest(urlString: "<service_url>",
imageData: imageData)
{ result in
// Handle result
Full Workflow
Combined with the included tutorial screens, you can spin up an end-to-end experience relatively fast:
import UIKit
import CFDocumentScanSDK
import CFNFCReaderSDK
class ViewController: UIViewController, DSHandlerDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
private func startPassportScan() {
let options = DSPassportOptions()
options.mrzCaptureMethod = .recognize
// Configure additional capture options, thresholds, prompts, etc.
startScan(options: options) // Present scan controller
private func showMRZTutorial() {
let tutorialVC = TutorialMRZViewController()
tutorialVC.primaryAction = { [weak self] in
navigationController?.pushViewController(tutorialVC, animated: true)
private func showNFCTutorial(mrzInformationKey: String) {
let tutorialVC = TutorialNFCViewController(mrzInformationKey: mrzInformationKey) { controller, result in
switch result {
case let .failure(error):
// Handle error
case let .success(chipData):
let image = chipData.embeddedIn(image: result.image)
let flashImage = chipData.embeddedIn(image: result.flashImage)
// Send to API
navigationController?.pushViewController(tutorialVC, animated: true)
// MARK: - DSHandlerDelegate
func handleScan(result: DSResult) {
guard let passportResult = result as? DSPassportResult,
let mrzInformationKey = passportResult.mrz?.mrzInformationKey else {
print("Failed to read MRZ")
showNFCTutorial(mrzInformationKey: mrzInformationKey)
func captureError(_ error: DSError) {
print("Scan Error: \(error)")